Sunday, January 21, 2007

NTS hosts discussion between Lindbeck, Burrell and Hauerwas

This last Friday was amazing. I sat with a bunch of friends and had the opportunity to hear from three prominent theologians of our day. On top of that the discussion and interviews where guided by Point Loma's own John Wright. Here are some great quotes I wrote down during the discussions.


"A persons strengths is also their greatest weakness"
"Hope meas that we must trust in our weakness and in God's strength"
"Two detrimental things that have hindered the church in our age have been televangelists (speaking about the asking of money and Luther's battle of indulgences with the Catholic church) and mindless patriotism"


"There are two types of people, those who NEED certitude, and those who SEARCH for truth"
"The only way we can truly be Christian is in community"
"Religion is often dry and boring, God however is mysterious and awesome"
"You never ARE a Christian, you are always trying to BECOME one"
"When living in a age of pluralism we can respond in a posture of welcoming or fear"
"The God that we worship is beyond our conceptualization"
"Capitalism is much more dangerous to Christianity than Marxism"
"Reconciliation without Capitulation"


"Theological claims are primarily forms of practical discourse"
"A modest proposal for peace, let the Christians of the world agree not to kill one another"
"Habit is everything"
'One of the crucial tasks of the church is reclaiming our deaths from modern medicine"
"Do not be afraid of speech"
"We must be willing to forgive the murderers of our children" (speaking about the Amish's recent response to the tragic deaths within their community"

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