Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Emergent Church

I have had multiple conversations with people lately about the Emerging Church. What I have found in my experience (limited as it may be) is that the people who reject or criticize the movement do so

1. Without doing any reading about it
and or
2. Never visiting or spending time within a community that claims to be within the movement

To somewhat help with #1 I have decided to list some reading material. I came about some the whole emergent movement somewhat backward in that i had done a lot of reading about it before ever finding a community that actually lived it. Several people have asked lately for a informal book list on the topic so here it is: (I only posted books that i have actually read personally I would love to hear some comments and feedback about other books that people think i need to add to this list)

Foundational: (to my theology)
A Generous Orthodoxy, Brian McLaren
A is for Abductive, Brian McLaren
Post-Evangelical, Dave Tomlinson
Missional Church
Red Moon Rising, Peter Greig
The shape of things to come, Michael Frost
Exiles, Michael Frost
A Future for Truth, Henry Knight
The Giving Tree (Children’s book)
Mere Discipleship, Lee Camp
The Hidden Power of the electronic culture, Shane Hipps
Lord Teach Us, Stanley Hauerwas
Myths America Lives By, Richard Hughes
The Politics of Jesus, John Yoder

Blue Like Jazz, Donald Miller
The Irresistable Revolution, Shane Claiborne
Red and Blue God, Black and Blue church, Becky Garrison
Searching for God knows what, Donald Miller
Velvet Elvis, Rob Bell
The Parable of Peanuts, Robert Short
Liberation Theology after the end of history, Dan Bell

Community of Character, Stanley Hauerwas
Experiential Storytelling, Mark Miller
A New Kind of Christian, Brian McLaren
The Story We Find Ourselves In, Brian McLaren
The Last Word and the Word after that, Brian McLaren
The Promise of Narrative Theology, George Stroup

Emerging Churches, Eddie Gibbs
Emerging Worship, Dan Kimball
The Emerging Church, Dan Kimball
After Christendom, Stanley Hauerwas
Postmodern pilgrims, Leonard Sweet
Postmodern Youth ministry, Tony Jones
The postmodern parish, Jim Kitchens

Spiritual Formation:
Tortured Wonders, Roddney Clapp
Messy Spirituality, Mike Yaconeli
Re-Imaging spiritual formation, Doug Pagitt
Out of question…Into Mystery, Leonard Sweet
Sacred Way, Tony Jones

Church Planting:
Planting churches in a postmodern age, Ed Stetzer

Preaching Re-Imagined, Doug Pagitt

Adventures in Missing the Point, Brian McLaren
Revolution and Renewal, Tony Campolo
The Secret Message of Jesus, Brian McLaren
Ancient Future Evangelism, Robert Webber
Ancient Future Faith, Robert Webber
Ancient Future Time, Robert Webber
Houses that change the world, Wolfgang Simson
Presence centered youth ministry, Mike King
The Prophetic Imagination, Walter Brueggemann
Rich Christians in a world of hunger, Ronald Sider
Resident Aliens, Stanley Hauerwas
Where resident aliens live, Stanley Hauerwas

I hope this helps everyone. Let me know what you suggest for futher reading! (CUZ IM A BOOK ADDICT)

P.S. You can see the rest of my Library HERE



Anonymous said...

Hey David is any of this podcasted or websites for those of who love to listen to stuff while we commute Dad

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you blogging as well as on Librarything! Check out my blog. I'm putting yours on my link page.

Anonymous said...

If you are interested in spiritual formation you should look into Biola's Institute for Spiritual Formation. There are some profs there that are on the forefront for the spiritual formation movement (i.e. John Coe).

David Tatum said...

Hey Dad go to www.jacobswellchurch.org and you can listen to the sermons online or download them. Listen to Tims latest sermon on the Slavery series he just started, it was AMAZING. Also go on itunes and search for emergent or postmodern podcasts.