Monday, August 25, 2008

The Tatum Boys, Man vs. Wild

So this last week my brothers and I (Matt the middle brother, and Luke the youngest) decided that we would brave the great outdoors.  We drove up to our trailhead and hiked about 11 miles the first day up to lake Woodchuck.  The second day we explored some more hiking to 2 more lakes and putting in another 5 miles or so.  The third day we hiked back out of the wild laying down another 10 miles or so.  Needless to say it was a blast, and i have blisters to prove it!  Here are some pics of the trip, there are even some i cant show 
(its the Tatum boys what can i say).  
Here we are before we started.  
Here is what the hike looked like on the first day.  Gorgeous! 
Our hike the first day took us to Woodchuck Lake.  I was fortunate enough to see my very first Woodchuck!
Here was the Sunset on the first day and the Lake the next morning.

On the second day we found some rocks to jump off into our second lake.

And here we are on the mountaintop.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This looks a lot like our post... :) Good one!