Friday, September 19, 2008

Abby Update September 19th

So we had a little scare last night.  Abby was having a hard time keeping food down and she was spitting up a little bit.  They ended up having to drain her stomach contents because she wasn't digesting her food.  Our best guess from our local expert swallowing technician (my dad the speech pathologist) is that she had some amnionic fluid in her stomach.  We know that she had some in her lungs at birth and thats why she needed extra oxygen and the time to dry her lungs out.  

We think that she had some in her stomach as well which offset the PH in her stomach.  The fluid probably made her stomach PH + and counteracted her stomach acid not allowing her to process her food.  Now that her stomach has been emptied and she has had the time over night to recover she is doing better.  Hopefully she had time over night to recover and build up some stomach acid.  Jenn fed her again this morning and she expressed interest which was a great sign.  Our goal today is to feed her when we can and ween her of the IV so we can have her in our room with us.  We had a brief scare but we are hoping this morning with make a turn for the better.

Jenn is doing great and recovering well.  Kaleb is having tons of fun at Grandma and Grampa Tatum's house letting them spoil him.  (Matt, Meg and Luke, we can't wait to see you guys tonight!)

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for her!  We appreciate it more than you know.  More pictures and news to come later today.

David and Jenn

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