Thursday, September 18, 2008

Abigail Elizabeth Marie Tatum

So.... Baby Abigail decided to work on her own timeline and come earlier than scheduled!  
(you know how women/girls are) What the heck i thought we were scheduling this one!  Anyway, Abby was born last night at Saint Agnes Hospital at 4:58pm.  She weighs 6 pounds 12 ounces and measured 19 inches long.  Her initial apgar score was a 8/9.  She is doing well but having a little trouble breathing since she came early and her lungs were not completely prepared to breathe yet.  

Right now she is still in the nursery being watched her levels are starting to get better and we cant wait to hold her.  Her heart rate is a little high and she is breathing a little rapidly but she is doing better than last night because she has progressed off of the oxygen.  She is on an IV to stay hydrated right now since we cant take her out to feed yet.  Jenn is doing well considering she just had surgery last night.  

Jenn and Abby are both doing well, we would appreciate your prayers for both a fast recovery for Jenn and for Abbys lungs to get nice and strong so she can progress out of the nursery and into our arms.  Thanks family and friends for all your support!

I will keep this updated as we know more.  More pictures to come, especially when we get to hold her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh great... you're already gender stereotyping and she's just arrived! :)

We are praying like crazy and can't wait to meet Abby this weekend!