Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update on Abby

Sorry it took so long to update again. Abby and Jenn were released from the hospital on Sunday morning. They are both home and doing great! Abby saw the doctor yesterday and she has gained 2 ounces since Sunday, which is a good thing. Her color is looking great and she is adjusting well. Kaleb is doing good as well adjusting to being a big brother and a helper for mommy and daddy.  Jenn is recovering well from surgery and is already walking up and down the stairs.
Here is the Family in the hospital
Kaleb couldn't wait for Abby to get out of her chair so he could take it for a test drive
Kaleb held his little sister for the first time and was gentle with her
Abby is such a great sleeper and she loves to just lounge, kick back and relax

Thanks again for your prayers!

David and Jenn

1 comment:

Unknown said...

More pics, please! :)