Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kaleb and Abby Pics

Here are some more recent pics of the kiddos

Kaleb still loves to stand on daddys hands
Abby enjoying bath time
Kaleb is being good big brother!
I love my sister
All smiles
Abby's silly face.  She likes to stick her tongue out at daddy
Of course i am handsome I'm a Tatum!


Thomas (Murphy) Bridges said...

David! how are you man? I did not realize you had a blog. I saw a comment you made on Charlie's blog. Well, I hope you are doing well out there, and I am glad to see that you have been doing some teaching.

Take care,

David Tatum said...

Hey man! I am doing great. How is life for you? What have you been up to? Jenn and I are back in Fresno Ca now, I am leading worship and she is finishing up her teaching credential.
