Monday, February 09, 2009


So I check the Sierra Summit phone line last night and it said that they had received 17 inches since Thursday.  I woke up this morning to an updated phone message that boasted an additional 14-18 inches overnight!!!  I was excited to say the least.

I piled in the car with some boys (Evan, Mitchell, Tim) this morning and headed up the hill . Above shaver we had a fun little experience as we saw a four-runner coming around a long arching turn.  Our eyes locked on the vehicles back wheels as we all realized this four runner was coming at us at about 60 mph playing tokyo drift around the corner down hill on a street of snow.  There was nothing left to do but react.  We watched as the back tires caught, straightening out the truck and driving it straight into the snow bank on the other side of the road creating a huge fog of snow.  The truck dug in and started to turn sideways, about to take up both lanes.  Evan slammed on the gas and presto we were through the mess.  (Kuddos to Evan for saving the day with some quick subaru ninja action!)  We all looked in the rearview mirror after the nascar style action and thought...."should we stop?"....   Naaaaaa the car didn't flip, they looked ok and we might be temped to punch them out for almost running into us, and after all was panning out to be an epic powder day!

The day was marvelous!  The conditions were great with clean powder almost all day long.  We got some hiking in, a lot of action on "The Face", and tons of clean lines.  It was a day to remember.  Oh yeah and i almost forgot....this sweet shot of me dropping the cliffs off to the left of chair 5.  First tracks baby!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Evan is as good with a camera as he is with a steering wheel!!

Unknown said...

i don't know what tokyo drift is, but it sounds stupid and crazy. so something tells me matt will know when i ask him. :) looks like it was an amazing day!!