Tuesday, November 04, 2008

To Vote or not to Vote?

Its voting time and people are flocking to the booths to cast their ballots.  I personally have chosen to abstain from voting once again.  I have had several conversations with people some very fruitful others awkward and frustrating about voting.  For most people they believe it is their duty to vote for a candidate.  I choose instead to vote with my whole being, everyday for Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.  

Some random thought and topics i have been discussing today:
-My allegiance is to the kingdom of God
-National borders are fictional lines in the sand of Gods creation
-There is no biblical mandate to vote
-A two party system is inherently flawed 
-We are called to be subversive to empires not serve them
-God defines marriage, not a nation state

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just found your blog and am thoroughly enjoying it so far. Another plus is that we share the same last name!! (go figure).

You're now on my blogroll.


Andrew Tatum