Monday, January 05, 2009


It's that time of year again where we spend time over the holidays with friends and family.  My mom has been rummaging through the old family photos and found this one of my brothers and I.  Typical snapshot of the Tatum boys.  It has been so good to be back in Fresno close to family.  I am glad that we have been able to spend time together now that Jenn and I are closer.  Especially now that we have Kaleb and Abby as a part of our family its great to have all the Aunts and Uncles and Grandma and Grandpas close.  

When I look at this photo I feel so blessed that my brothers and I have the relationships that we do.  I know so many people who's family's have broken relationships and people never speak to one another.  I am so glad that as brothers we have the bond that we do and I pray that we never lose that!  I hope we turn 40 and are still wrestling around on the floor when we see each other.  (Sorry Megan its what we do)  I hope we continue to find time to play together and snowboard and all the other expensive sports that our father raised us doing that we can no longer afford to do now that we have left the nest.  

Matt and Megan.... See you soon, hopefully we can make it down to your pad soon.
Luke... Have fun in your last semester, but not to much you still have to graduate 

Much Love


Unknown said...

I understand the wrestling thing now. It took 6 years, but I think I finally 'get it'. :)

Come visit soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice post! Love you man!!