Friday, April 13, 2012

Reflections on the Psalms (Psalm 7)

6 Arise, LORD, in your anger; 
rise up against the rage of my enemies.    
Awake, my God; decree justice. 
9 Bring to an end the violence of the wicked 
and make the righteous secure 
You, the righteous God who probes minds and hearts
14 Whoever is pregnant with evil 
conceives trouble and gives birth to disillusionment. 
16 The trouble they cause recoils on them;    
their violence comes down on their own heads.
Its easy to think of God as love or Gods as an angry wrathful God.  What I think is harder is to think of God as just.  God is a God of justice he seeks for people to be righteous and do the right things.  And yet God is also patiently unjust!  For if He chose to be just all the time we would all get what we deserve which is death through our sin.  God is also a God of mercy, grace and forgiveness.  God is also not just like our modern day court system defines justice.  God is actively on the side of the poor, widow, orphan, offended, fatherless and those who are considered the least of these.

What we do know is that in God's justice he seeks for and end to all violence.  We know that as early as Cain and Abel violence enters the word through broken relationships.  God seeks restoration, redemption and reconciliation all which stand opposed to the violence of this world.

My wife is pregnant with our third child so the metaphor in verse 14 really hits home right now.  When someone is pregnant with evil its something they live with, something thats dwelling inside them.  Often when we allow sin to live with inside us we give birth to something that is a lie and we become disillusioned.  We are led astray by our own sinfulness and desires.  As a result we often bring negative consequences upon ourselves.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Tatum it's Spencer. I agree with everything your saying about the verse above. God's very kind to us by not "smiting" us. His love endures 4eves.

Anonymous said...

This kind of makes me think of the the verse that says You reap what you sow. People so often think that God is an angry judgmental God but they are sadly mistaken. God is just. We experience certain things due to our own actions. But because God is also forgiving due to Jesus' actions, we can expierience His love. - coopear

Anonymous said...

This kind of makes me think of the the verse that says You reap what you sow. People so often think that God is an angry judgmental God but they are sadly mistaken. God is just. We experience certain things due to our own actions. But because God is also forgiving due to Jesus' actions, we can expierience His love. - coopear

Anonymous said...

God has shown that he is all of those things some people claim God in the new testament and God of the old testament are different because of His different qualities. He shows anger, love faithfulness, ect. And through he has been the same God

Orange potatoes and brown carrots

Anonymous said...

God is a loving God and all of us should be like him. We should show the world who God really is. He will always be the same because he is an unchangeable, unshakeable, unstoppable God. We need to stand up for our faith and be what God wants us to be.
