Thursday, April 12, 2012

Reflections on the Psalms (Psalm 6)

4 Turn, LORD, and deliver me; 
save me because of your unfailing love. 
5 Among the dead no one proclaims your name.
Who praises you from the grave?
God's word tells us that no one among the dead proclaims His name.  While that may seem like an obvious statement think about it for a second.  God's word also says that before we are in a saving relationship with Him we ARE the walking dead.  We are dead in our sin, we are the walking dead.  When God does something amazing in your life you die to your sin and are raised to Christ.  

So its no wonder when people see Christians worship they don't understand it.  In some ways reflecting on this helps me as a worship leader.  It reminds me that sometimes there is nothing that I can do to get someone to sing the praise of God.  No song, or setting, or number of people, or right arrangement can do that.  It must be God moving that person from light to darkness, from death to life, from a slave to sin to a slave to righteousness, from the walking dead to a risen child of God.

And the promise comes in the previous verse.  When we cry out to God to deliver us, to save us from ourselves He will.  Gods love is an unfailing love.  It is steadfast and true.  Finally, I am reminded that as the church its our job to call these people from death to life by living and proclaiming the gospel.  So while our songs of praise may sound strange to the ears of the dead, its all the more reason to sing them.  Songs that proclaim our story, our testimony and our praise.


Anonymous said...

That is so true! People that do not know God have no idea why we do what we do, because they just don't understand. Which is exactly why we should sing them! -coopear

Anonymous said...

Jesus said to the pharasis that if we don't proclaim his greatness that the rocks will cry out. The writer is telling us to praise God And cry out to us in our need..

Curry carrots

Anonymous said...

I agree with that too! We should reach out to people who are not Christians and people who are struggling with their faith. By praying for them and with them, worshiping with them, and by reading the gospel to them. The people who haven't heard about Christ will be lifted up because we were there to tell them.
