Monday, April 16, 2012

Reflections on the Psalms (Psalm 8)

3 When I consider your heavens, 
the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place, 
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, 
human beings that you care for them?
5 You have made them a little lower than the angels
and crowned them with glory and honor. 
Reflecting on the vastness of creation is always a very humbling experience!  It is especially remarkable when you look at creation on its most grandest scale, the grandeur of the universe and all its wonders.  And at the same time reflecting on the smallest particles like a single cell or the complexity it takes for a human body to live and operate.  A proper view of creation should always point us back to God our creator and make us fall to our knees in wonder and awe of a God who created all that we experience and see.

And what am I a single person in the midst of all of time and creation that God would even give me a glance or thought, that He the creator of all would think or reflect on my existence and be pleased with it?  Who am i that God would care enough for me to even love me, to want to have a relationship with me, to want to have conversation with me, to call me his child, to adopt me as his own, to raise me, to send his son Jesus Christ to die for me!?

God has made us in His image.  We are His craftsmanship made to reflect and show His glory an honor.  I don't know about you but I often feel like there are a lot of other parts of Gods creation that do that job way better than I ever could.  And yet we are chosen to show Gods image.  We are crowned with the glory and honor of God.  What a humbling, profound, scary, wonderful, joyous thought to reflect upon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Tatum it's Spencer. I guess I agree on what your saying. There is no two sides of disagree and agree your just writing the verse over again. And don't get me wrong it's fun to read but I can't tell you my thoughts about it.

Anonymous said...

God will help us through these trials we face he will not forsake us. We will never be alone. For he is always with and will never leave us. He has shown us through his mighty power that he loves us and would literally die for us...

Love and purple Popsicles
Courtney 😊

Anonymous said...

Creation is so intricate and so vast that pretty much every part of it points to God. It really is pretty humbling to realize how amazing He is. I also feel really loved by God to know He cares about my small existence enough to make a universe to show His glory. -coopear

Anonymous said...

Looking up in the sky and seeing the stars reminds me of how much God loves me. I just get the feeling that he cares for me. Just looking at all creation amazes me because it is all God. We all are special in God's eyes and ( like u said) we were created to show God's image, and also his light


Anonymous said...

Looking up in the sky and seeing the stars reminds me of how much God loves me. I just get the feeling that he cares for me. Just looking at all creation amazes me because it is all God. We all are special in God's eyes and ( like u said) we were created to show God's image, and also his light


Anonymous said...

Looking up in the sky and seeing the stars reminds me of how much God loves me. I just get the feeling that he cares for me. Just looking at all creation amazes me because it is all God. We all are special in God's eyes and ( like u said) we were created to show God's image, and also his light
